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2 part Natural Movement Gung-Fu connection video series
Part 1:

Part 2:

Some of the different types of Combo Training for different types of practitioners

Please note: Though I am a MovNat Certified Trainer, the very little bit of combatives shown are NOT MovNat combatives; it's source comes from my Gung-Fu teachers.

Natural Movement Training (w/fellow MovNat Certified Trainer, Cody Moss...ending with a Ric Flair flop)

Self-defense Videos

Overview of most of the training in DeMile's lineage:

Negotiation exercise (learning to verbally interact is just as important as the physical!)

MovNat Group photos

In Portland for a 1-day MovNat workshop with Instructor Brian Tabor

At the Santa Fe, NM 1st Certification Event
with MovNat Certification Team Instructor Brian Tabor
Entire group of participants for the 1st MovNat Certification Event
at DKB Fitness in Santa Fe, NM
with MovNat Certification Team Instructor Kellen Milad
after being awarded the Certified Trainer status
With fellow MovNat Certified Trainers
Olof FlemStrom (Stockholm, Sweden) & Manuel Fajardo (Denver, Colorado)
1st Three Official MovNat Certified Trainers in the Pacific Northwest
with Derek Barber (Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA) & Cody Moss (Seattle, WA)
Fellow MovNat Certified Trainer
Erik Cisler (San Francisco, CA)
Also with MovNat Certified Trainers
Luis Torres & Jim Fotherington of FitHab
(Redwood City, CA)
Some of the MovNat Certified Trainers that graduated this great event!
(Others not pictured due to scheduled flights)

Assisting at a 1-day MovNat Fundamental Workshop
in West Seattle

With MovNat Team Instructor, Brian Tabor
& fellow MCT's Cody Moss & Emily Johnson
at the 1-day Fundamental in West Seattle

Martial Arts & Self-defense Seminar/Group Photos

From the old Shoreline Wing Chun Do International Headquarters
circa 2000

During Sigung/Coach Ron Ogi's seminar
in Portland Small Circle Jujitsu Dojo

Discussing the Floating Punch

March 2008 Sijo DeMile seminar hosted by Sifu Banaag
in Shoreline, WA

Visit to Sibok Rocco Ambrose's Ambrose Academy of Wing Chun Do
in Livonia, Michigan

One of the last intensive seminars conducted by Sijo DeMile
at Ken DeMile's Fitness Dojo in Auburn, WA

An honor to participate in this seminar conducted by Master Steve Smith,
with a special surprise instruction by Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee's 1st student)

Training at Kru Judd Skinner's New Era Athletics
in Canada

Seminar in East Harlem, New York City

With some of the remaining participants at Richard Garcia's
Garcia Gung-Fu Institute in New York
3-day seminar at the Fitness Dojo
August 2011
With Sifu Anthony Morgan of Morgan's Training Academy

At the Spring Mountain Retreat with Master Steve Smith of Fook Yeung Chuan
With the late Jesse Glover (Bruce Lee's 1st student), a great instructor &  person
whom Mr. Banaag had the honor & privilege of becoming one of his students up until his passing.
RIP Jesse, you will NEVER be forgotten

Please Note: Though Mr. Banaag has had the honor to train with Mr. Smith & Mr. Glover, he does not teach Fook Yeung Chuan, nor Non-Classical Gung-Fu as he does not have authorization to do so, & would not do so out of tremendous respect to both of these Great men.